All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
- activateAudioStack() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Activate audio stack that has been previously deactivated.
- adaptToSpeakerWithName(String) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Defines the name that will be used to uniquely identify speaker adaptation profile.
- addListener(KASRRecognizerListener) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Adds listener.
- addTriggerPhraseListener(KASRRecognizerTriggerPhraseListener) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Adds trigger phrase listener.
- com.keenresearch.keenasr - package com.keenresearch.keenasr
- createContextualDecodingGraphFromPhrases(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>, KASRRecognizer, ArrayList<KASRAlternativePronunciation>, KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask, float, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Create custom decoding graph from an array of sentences/phrases, for a specific task, using provided array of word mispronunciations and save it in the filesystem under for later use.
- createDataUploader(KASRRecognizer, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRUploader
Creates a background thread which periodically scans recognizer data directory and uploads audio recordings and speech recognition metadata to Dashboard, a Keen Research cloud service.
- createDecodingGraphFromPhrases(String[], KASRRecognizer, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Create custom decoding graph from an array of sentences/phrases and save it in the filesystem under for later use.
- createDecodingGraphFromPhrases(String[], KASRRecognizer, ArrayList<KASRAlternativePronunciation>, KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask, float, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Create custom decoding graph from an array of sentences/phrases, for a specific task, using provided array of word mispronunciations and save it in the filesystem under for later use.
- createDecodingGraphFromPhrasesWithTriggerPhrase(String[], String, KASRRecognizer, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Create custom decoding graph from an array of sentences/phrases, using specified triggerPhase, and save it in the filesystem under for later use.
- createDecodingGraphFromSentences(String[], KASRRecognizer, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
- createDecodingGraphFromSentencesWithTriggerPhrase(String[], String, KASRRecognizer, String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
- deactivateAudioStack() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Deactivate audio stack.
- decodingGraphExistsAtPath(String) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Returns TRUE if a valid decoding graph exists at the given absolute filepath.
- decodingGraphWithNameExists(String, KASRRecognizer) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Returns true if valid custom decoding graph with the given name exists in the filesystem
- getAppBundleId() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getAsrBundleName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Obtains a name of the ASR Bundle used to initialize the SDK.
- getAsrBundleName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getASRBundleName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Returns the name of the ASR Bundle recognizer was using.
- getAsrBundlePath() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Obtains a path to the directory where ASR Bundle used to initialize the SDK is stored
- getAsrResult() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getAudioFilename() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getCleanText() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
recognition result clean text; all tokens of type <TOKEN> are removed (e.g.
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Overall confidence score in [0,1] range.
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
Confidence in the range 0 to 1 for the word.
- getDecodingGraphCreationDate(String, KASRRecognizer) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Returns date when custom decoding graph was created.
- getDecodingGraphName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Returns name of the decoding graph that's used for recognition.
- getDecodingGraphName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getDecodingGraphName() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Returns the name of the decoding graph recognizer was using.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRPhone
Duration, in seconds, for this phone.
- getDuration() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getDuration() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
Duration, in seconds, for this word.
- getEchoCancellation() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getInputLevel() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
The most recent signal input level in dB
- getJson() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getJsonFilename() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getPhones() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
Returns an array of KARSPhone objects that comprise this KASRWord.
- getPronunciation() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRAlternativePronunciation
- getPronunciationScore() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRPhone
Pronunciation score in the range 0 to 1.
- getRecognizerState() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Returns recognizer state, one of KASRRecognizerState values
- getRescore() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Value of the rescoring flag
- getResponseId() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getSampleRate() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getSdkVersion() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRPhone
Start time, in seconds, for this phone relative to when the recognizer started to listen.
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
- getStartTime() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
Start time, in seconds, for this word relative to when the recognizer started to listen.
- getTag() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRAlternativePronunciation
- getText() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRPhone
Text of the phone
- getText() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Get text of the recognition result.
- getText() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
Text of the word
- getWord() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRAlternativePronunciation
- getWords() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Returns an Array of KARSRWord objects that comprise this result.
- initWithASRBundleAtPath(String, Context) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Initialize ASR engine with the ASR Bundle located at the provided path.
- installASRBundle(String, String) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRBundle
Installs ASR bundle with the given name in the app-based directory in the device filesystem.
- intValue() - Method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask
- intValue() - Method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
- intValue() - Method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
- intValue() - Method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
- isEchoCancellationAvailable() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Is recognition result empty.
- isTag() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
False for real words, true for tags, e.g.
- isValidPronunciation(String, KASRRecognizer) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
Verify if pronunciation specified in the input string is composed of valid phones that are supported for the given recognizer.
- KASRAlternativePronunciation - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRAlternativePronunciation provides way to specify alternative pronunciations for words that may not be in the lexicon from the ASR Bundle.
- KASRAlternativePronunciation(String, String) - Constructor for class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRAlternativePronunciation
Creates an instance of KASRAltenativePronuncation object for a given word.
- KASRAlternativePronunciation(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRAlternativePronunciation
Creates an instance of KASRAltenativePronuncation object for a given word.
- KASRBundle - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
An instance of the KASRBundle class, called asrBundle, manages ASR Bundle resources on the device file system
- KASRBundle(Context) - Constructor for class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRBundle
- KASRDecodingGraph - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRDecodingGraph class manages decoding graphs in the filesystem.
- KASRDecodingGraph() - Constructor for class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph
- KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask - Enum Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRSpeakingTask defines a type of interaction which might be useful when building a decoding graph, so that the way decoding graph is built can be fine tuned to the task.
- KASRPhone - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRPhone represents a phone (speech segment that possesses distinct physical or perceptual properties and serves as the basic unit of phonetic speech analysis).
- KASRRecognizer - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
An instance of the KASRRecognizer class, called recognizer, manages recognizer resources and provides speech recognition capabilities to your application.
- KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel - Enum Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
These constants indicate the log levels for the framework.
- KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState - Enum Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
These constants indicate different states recognizer can assume.
- KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter - Enum Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
These constants correspond to different Voice Activity Detection parameters that are used for endpointing during recognition.
- KASRRecognizerListener - Interface in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRRecognizerListener provides an interface that your class needs to implement in order to receive partial and final result callbacks from the KASRRecognizer instance.
- KASRRecognizerLogLevelDebug - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
Log debug messages and higher
- KASRRecognizerLogLevelInfo - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
Log info messages and higher
- KASRRecognizerLogLevelWarning - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
Log only warnings or errors (default level)
- KASRRecognizerStateFinalProcessing - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Recognizer is not acquiring incoming audio any more, it is processing the final result.
- KASRRecognizerStateListening - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Recognizer is actively listening.
- KASRRecognizerStateNeedsDecodingGraph - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Log debug messages and higher
- KASRRecognizerStateReadyToListen - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Recognizer is ready to start listening
- KASRRecognizerTriggerPhraseListener - Interface in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRRecognizerTriggerPhraseListener provides an interface that your class needs to implement in order to receive trigger phrase callbacks from the KASRRecognizer instance.
- KASRResponse - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRResponse contains various metadata related to the single interaction with the speech recognition system, from calling startListening until the recognizer stopped listening.
- KASRResult - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
An instance of the KIOSResult class, called recognition result, provides results of the recognition.
- KASRSpeakingTaskDefault - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask
Default task.
- KASRSpeakingTaskOralReading - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask
Oral reading task is can be used when user is reading aloud, typically in educational applications.
- KASRUploader - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
KASRUploader class provides methods that manage uploads of speech recognition metadata and audio recordings to Dashboard, a Keen Research cloud service for data collection and development of voice applications.
- KASRUploader() - Constructor for class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRUploader
- KASRVadTimeoutEndSilenceForAnyMatch - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Timeout after this many seconds if we had any match (even if final state has not been reached).
- KASRVadTimeoutEndSilenceForGoodMatch - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Timeout after this many seconds if we had a good (high probability) match to the final state.
- KASRVadTimeoutForNoSpeech - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Timeout after this many seconds even if nothing has been recognized.
- KASRVadTimeoutMaxDuration - Enum constant in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Timeout after this many seconds regardless of what has been recognized.
- KASRWord - Class in com.keenresearch.keenasr
An instance of the KIOSWord class, called word, provides word text, timing information, and the confidence of the word.
- onFinalResponse(KASRRecognizer, KASRResponse) - Method in interface com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizerListener
This method is called when recognizer has finished the recognition on its own because one of the VAD rules has triggered.
- onPartialResult(KASRRecognizer, KASRResult) - Method in interface com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizerListener
This method is called when recognizer has a new (different than before) partial recognition result.
- onTriggerPhrase(KASRRecognizer) - Method in interface com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizerTriggerPhraseListener
This method is called when recognizer setup with a decoding graph built with trigger phrase support, recognizes the trigger phrase.
- pause() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRUploader
Pause uploads in already created upload thread.
- performEchoCancellation(boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
EXPERIMENTAL Specifies if echo cancellation should be performed.
- prepareForListeningWithContextualDecodingGraphAtPath(String, Integer, boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Prepare for recognition by loading contextual decoding graph that was bundled with the application.
- prepareForListeningWithContextualDecodingGraphWithName(String, Integer, boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Prepare for recognition by loading contextual decoding graph that was prepared via
KASRDecodingGraph.createContextualDecodingGraphFromPhrases(ArrayList, KASRRecognizer, ArrayList, KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask, float, String)
method. - prepareForListeningWithDecodingGraphAtPath(String, boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Prepare for recognition by loading decoding graph that's stored in the filesystem (for example, downloaded or copied from the app bundle.
- prepareForListeningWithDecodingGraphWithName(String, boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Prepare for recognition by loading decoding graph that was prepared via on of the methods that create decoding graphs.
- queueForUpload() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
Queues audio and json from this response for an upload to Dashboard.
- removeAllSpeakerAdaptationProfiles() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Remove all adaptation profiles for all speakers.
- removeListener(KASRRecognizerListener) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Removes listener.
- removeSpeakerAdaptationProfiles(String) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Removes all adaptation profiles for the speaker with name speakerName.
- removeTriggerPhraseListener(KASRRecognizerTriggerPhraseListener) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Removes trigger phrase listener.
- resetSpeakerAdaptation() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Resets speaker adaptation profile in the current recognizer session.
- resume() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRUploader
Resume uploads in already created upload thread.
- saveAudio(File) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
Save audio file in the directory passed via directory input variable.
- saveJson(File) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResponse
Save json file in the directory passed via directory input variable.
- saveSpeakerAdaptation() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Saves speaker profile (used for adaptation) in the filesystem.
- setLogLevel(KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel) - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Set log level for the framework.
- setRescore(Boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
If set to true, recognizer will perform rescoring for the final result, using rescoring language model provided in the custom decoding graph that's bundled with the application.
- setVADGating(boolean) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
VAD (voice activity detection) gating introduces a super lightweight voice activity detection before speech recognition.
- setVADParameter(KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter, float) - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Set any of
Voice Activity Detection parameters. - sharedInstance() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
- startListening() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Start processing incoming audio.
- stop() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRUploader
Stops data uploader background thread.
- stopListening() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Stop the recognizer from processing incoming audio.
- stopListeningAndReturnFinalResult() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Deprecated.This method is deprecated. Use
to instruct recognizer to stop listening and obtain KASRResponse via callback.
- teardown() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Teardown current singleton instance of the recognizer and all associated resources.
- toJSON() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Returns JSON representation of the KASRResult.
- toString() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRPhone
String representation of this object.
- toString() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRResult
Descriptive representation of the ASR result (can be useful for debugging purposes and logging).
- toString() - Method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRWord
String representation of this object.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRDecodingGraph.KASRSpeakingTask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerLogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRRecognizerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer.KASRVadParameter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- version() - Static method in class com.keenresearch.keenasr.KASRRecognizer
Version of the KeenASR framework.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages
KASRDecodingGraph.createDecodingGraphFromPhrases(String[], KASRRecognizer, String)